Crochet Club at Space2Make (Accrington)
Regular price £18.00
Come and join our crochet clubs for all levels at Space2Make in Accrington. Whether you're a master or a beginner, join us to learn new stitches and how to create all things crochet whilst making some new friends. There will also be a pattern of the week for those who want to expand their skills. You could even bring that tricky pattern you've been meaning to get round to for years!
Every alternate Tuesday we host two workshops: afternoon session is 1-3pm and evening is 6:30-8:30pm
These sessions are suitable for all levels of crocheter. If you are a total beginner we will get you up and running in no time.
Workshop fee is £18 and includes tuition, patterns and yummy refreshments. This is a very popular session so you must book your seat in advance as places are limited.
The workshop takes place every alternate Tuesday. Check our Facebook events page to find the next date. Call Shirley at Space2Make on 07719003799 or message her to reserve your place.
Space2Make is an independent craft cafe specialising in pottery painting and other craft workshops. They serve a menu of delicious cakes and drinks and are also a local French Chic stockist. It is situated at 70-72 Blackburn Road, Accrington. BB5 ILE